Donor Plan

Engagement planning within Momentum is an integral part of maintaining a proactive relationship with your donors. It involves setting up a strategic calendar that outlines key interaction points throughout the year.

The Plan tab is your strategic tool for setting future engagement activities. Here you can:

  • Schedule upcoming outreach events and communications.

  • Set reminders for follow-ups or important dates related to the donor.

  • Organize the donor's engagement timeline to ensure regular contact

  • Map out the year with important dates, such as donor anniversaries, major holidays, and other significant events that are opportune for donor outreach.

Momentum's engagement planning is flexible, allowing you to adjust your strategies based on donor interactions. For example, after a major donation, you might want to schedule a thank-you call or a personal meeting.

You can also review past interactions in the 'History' tab to inform future engagement activities, ensuring they are relevant and timely.

Last updated