Microsoft 365 or Outlook Integration
Details about Momentum's integration with Microsoft Outlook (including O365)
This user guide is for users who use Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Outlook email providers.
Welcome to the user guide for integrating Momentum with Microsoft Outlook. This document provides detailed information on how Momentum interacts with Outlook, the authentication process, permissions required, and the functionalities you can expect.
About Momentum
Momentum is an application that helps fundraisers manage their high-value donors.
It accomplishes this primarily through automating various parts of the fundraising process including:
Creating and managing donor engagement plans
Drafting and sending donor emails
Automating admin tasks like email <> CRM sync
About Outlook Integration
Momentum integrates with Outlook and connects to your CRM so that all emails sent to records that match a known record ID are recorded in your CRM. For specifics on how emails are logged, please visit your CRM’s user guide.
Momentum’s core functionality revolves around the ability to send emails on behalf of the fundraiser, and thus it requires access to their email inbox.
Emails are sent in such a way as to not allow recipients to know that they were sent through any third-party application, and thus direct access to the fundraisers’ inbox is required.
About Nylas
Momentum uses Nylas, a third party tool, to handle most of the technical integration of Outlook emails. Nylas offers a more secure, robust infrastructure around email integration than Momentum intends to build itself. For more information on Nylas and how their systems operate, please visit
1. Functionality
Email Sending
Momentum allows you to compose and send emails directly from our dashboard. The first draft of all messages will be written by Momentum’s AI Fundraising Assistant.
When you send an email, it will be sent from your Outlook account. The integration ensures that the sent email will appear in your Outlook "Sent" folder, maintaining a consistent record of your communications.
Email Sync Time
The synchronization of emails between our platform and Outlook is nearly instantaneous.
Emails sent from our system will appear in your Outlook "Sent" folder within a minute, providing you with real-time tracking of your communication activities.
There are some instances where it can take up to five minutes for sent emails to appear in your CRM.
Drafts Handling
It's important to note that drafts are not synchronized between our platform and Outlook. Any drafts created within our platform will not be mirrored in your Outlook "Drafts" folder. This separation ensures that drafts remain distinct between the two systems.
For any further assistance or inquiries, please refer to our support resources or contact your customer success manager.
2. Permissions and Controls
Momentum requires read/write access to Outlook in order to achieve it’s core functionality for users. Specifically, Momentum requires permission to the following scopes:
email.read_only: Enables read-only access to your email content.
email.send: Grants permission to send emails on your behalf.
email.drafts: Allows us to manage email drafts.
here are two primary controls that dramatically reduce the scope of Momentum’s permissions:
Momentum will only access email addresses provided by the client
Momentum will only access emails from addresses provided by the client. Provided addresses are typically a list of a fundraiser’s specific portfolio of approx. 150-200 individual addresses.
Momentum does not access all emails in the inbox, including internal emails, personal emails, or any other email that is not to/from a provided email address.
The client has full control over what addresses Momentum will access, and can modify the list at any time.
Momentum requires human-in-the-loop interaction to send any email
Momentum requires a human-in-the-loop for all emails sent and will never send any email in an automated way.
All emails sent from Momentum are sent by a user pressing “Send” on an individual message. While there is functionality that intends to speed up the ability to send emails to multiple recipients quickly there is no functionality that enables bulk sending of more than one email at a time.
3. Authentication and Granting Permissions
Upon integrating our product with your Outlook account, a one-time authentication is required. This authentication process enables us to send emails from your Outlook account. Access to Momentum can be granted through the O365 admin dashboard once Momentum has sent the permissions request.
In order to submit an initial request to trigger the admin approval, please follow the guide below.
Logging into Momentum with Outlook
Navigate to and select Outlook. You can then enter your email address and password.
From there, you will be taken to a page prompting you to allow permissions.
Once permissions have been granted, you will be redirected to . If your CRM sync has already been setup successfully and portfolios synced, you should see some recommended actions. If not, please consult our CRM integration guides, or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Logging into Momentum with Microsoft Office 365
For 0365 users, the setup process is similar. Start by navigating to and selecting Microsoft Office 365. You can then enter your email address and password.
Once permissions have been granted, you will be redirected to . If your CRM sync has already been setup successfully and portfolios synced, you should see some recommended actions. If not, please consult our CRM integration guides, or contact your Customer Success Manager.
Administrator Permissions
Please note that to complete the integration successfully, an individual with system administrator permissions in Microsoft Outlook needs to grant the required permissions to our application. This ensures a secure and controlled integration process.
Revoking Access
Access can be revoked quickly and easily at any time. Any O365 administrator can revoke Momentum’s access through their admin panel.
Revocation of permissions will block Momentum from accessing all scopes, but it should only be done in consult with Momentum’s end-users at your organization as it will dramatically reduce Momentum’s utility.
Likewise, you can always contact, or your account's Customer Success Manager in order to help handle the removal of authorization.
Last updated